Sunday, November 25, 2018

A Spectacular day on the South Side

Hi All,
It's not often it's perfectly flat on the South Side but today it is! We start out early to take advantage of the perfect water. David Green our friend and avid dolphin lover meets us at the dock. We haven't seen him since last winter and he comes bearing gifts! He and his wife designed Tee Shirts with a logo of Spy Hop, JoJo and Me!! We head out eyes peeled for dorsals. Just as we reach French Cay, David sees a dorsal. Even though I don't know this dolphin, he lets me swim up to him as he's crater fishing. He takes a good look at me then continues on his fishing mission! The water is so clear we can see fish, rays and sharks without even getting in. We do however have a few great snorkels before heading home. We leave enough time to go out front where the water isn't half as nice. I'm hoping to check in with JoJo. We find him fishing out by Grace Point. He's busy and not very interactive and yes that pesky remora is still stuck on him. Perhaps tomorrow the water out front will calm down and I can swim with JoJo.

Spectacular Day on South Side from Jay Sargent on Vimeo.

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