Monday, January 27, 2014

Dolphins and Whales oh My

Hi All,
I really didn't think we would go out today due to the strong winds. However, the wind was coming from the East which is a good thing for us! It actually flattens the waves on the North West side of the Island.
As we were motoring around Grace Bay, we heard on our radio that some of the boats (Big Blue) were seeing whales. We motored to the cut at Parrot Cay and went out. After awhile, I saw a dorsal, then we looked and looked until we saw a spout. It appeared to be an older whale traveling alone. His dorsal appeared to have a lot of wear and tear. We followed along for awhile then started to head in. As we were turning, I saw a HUGE breach and then another. They were fairly far out. We hustled along and as we pulled up, we found a mother and calf. The calf was frolicking around and for sure was the one breaching. We then started to see lots of activity in the water. At first I didn't know what it was. It looked like a large fish feeding frenzy!! As we got closer, I realized there were many, many dolphins all surfacing around the whales and darting around everywhere.  There were so many dolphins it was amazing!! Even more than the other day!! I got in and found spotted dolphins who were very friendly. They let me swim right beside them. They were all over the place. I went back to the boat to get a camera knowing they could be gone in an instant. As I did, they started playing with the baby whale. I have always wanted to see this!! Actually John got to see more because I got back in the water and took footage of the dolphins. Eventually, I went around where John said the mother and calf were. I saw them in front of me and they sunk way down into the deep blue. All I could see was their pecs which are white. After awhile the calf decided I was interesting and came to take a look! At that point I didn't see the mom which was disconcerting! I have found however in the cetacean world at least from my experience, that moms seem to be okay with my swimming with their kids.
If that weren't enough we saw two more really big Humpbacks on our way back before we crossed over the reef. My guess is that they were two males. That made a total of five Humpback whales  for the day! Now this really is my last blog for at least a week!!

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