Thursday, November 12, 2015

Introducing Whizzer

Hi All,
The day has finally come. My husband, John and I  sort through the usual Caribbean hassles (missing car, key not with boat). It all fades away as we head out of Leeward with the sun sparking on the amazing turquoise water. There is a splash as a turtle pops his head up stares at us and quickly submerges into safety. A Needle fish stands vertically in the water and shoots off for a good 50 feet looking like he's riding a Segway at sped across the water.
I have heard from various people that JoJo has been spotted both from boats and from our resort. No one could tell me if either of the ladies have had their calves. We travel around Grace Bay twice then up to Pine Cay but no dorsals. I heard JoJo came by Ocean Club in the afternoon so we head back and travel out in front of all the resorts along Grace Bay. We are about to reach Grace Point when I see a dorsal and a little dorsal!! The calf is cavorting around leaping, spy hopping, splashing about the cutest thing you've ever seen! I can't tell who the mom is until I get in. After a few tries aborted by tour boats and hobby cats, I have success. They come right by and I see it's not Raggedy Ann and am pretty sure it's Bo. She doesn't have a mark which makes it hard to tell. I figure it must be her from her behavior. She's content to have her very young energetic calf come circle me then jet back to her. JoJo is no where to be seen to help with the introductions. This calf has slightly yellow lips and behaves just like Lemon Lips did. I got some video which shows Whizzer as I've named him (or her) darting back to me, circling then whizzing off.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an appropriate name. Cute little guy. He certainly was checking you out!
