Monday, December 28, 2015

New Dolphin at Leeward'

Hi All,
The wind is still pretty strong here on the island but not too strong to ruin anyone's vacation. It isn't either too strong to prohibit swimming with dolphins! We see a boat behaving like they are with  a dolphin as we approach Leeward. As we pull up we see two dolphins. I get in and JoJo stays around the boat. I swim toward the other dolphin and JoJo comes then heads back to the boat. HMMM is he done swimming with that dolphin or doesn't he care whether I meet that dolphin or not. I continue toward the new dolphin wanting to know who it is. The dolphin is as big as JoJo with some scrap marks before is fluke. These are known as rack marks probably from a shark. I don't think I've ever met him and he doesn't seem to care that I'm watching him.

Once the unfamiliar dolphin moves off I go back to the boat and JoJo. He and I go for a swim heading out toward the reef. We encounter a big ray as you'll see in the video. The camera battery warning signal goes off indicating he battery is dying. Notice JoJo looking back at the noise.
For some reason the internet is not working to up load this video so I will have to send the JoJo and Ray video once it cooperates!

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